It's been a while since I posted on this blog. I've been having exams, and just had nothing interesting to talk about. So, just to keep this blog alive, in my own mind if nowhere else, I'm gonna talk about these two things. Maybe in the future, I'll separate them into two different topics and make separate posts about them, but till then, here goes.
Okay, so I've been late to a couple of bandwagons. Both of these games have been out for quite some time.
The first one is Batman : Arkham Asylum. I know what you're thinking - "Have you been living under a rock? I hate you and I hope your family die of asteroids." Whoa. Harsh. If asteroids fall in to the earth's atmosphere they're called meteorites apparently. But also, I had tried this game out before and enjoyed it, but since I had an error that didn't allow GFWL on my PC, I couldn't save, so had to play the same parts over and over again. But now, I've been playing the game and saving and playing some more, and it's awesome fun. My favorite parts are the nocturnal hunter stages, where you have to take out a room full of baddies while sneaking around and swinging from gargoyles with the Joker providing commentary. For how good I am at the game (which is not good at all), these levels can be quite challenging as the baddies almost always have firearms and if a couple of them spot you, they can easily kill you before you've evaded them. It also however allows for pure awesomeness as you can hang down from a gargoyle (like your namesake) and swoop down and choke a bad guy out then hang him from said gargoyle. The exploration is also quite fun because of the beautiful levels with so many alternate routes and hidden puzzles. My least favorite part of the game are the sections where you have to take out a room full of bad guys by repeatedly hitting the,. Very few of these are actually challenging (The boss fight with Bane was the toughest I've found yet), but they just go on for ages. Punch, dodge, counter, stun, and rinse and repeat. Not that that's not fun in small doses, but I wish the game gave me a choice to just "Nocturnal Predator" their asses, instead of punching around like Dishonored did. In that game, you could go in guns blazing and try to kill everyone (you would get killed easily unless you'd powered up a lot though), or sneak around and incapacitate them or just avoid them all together. I really would've liked these choices in this game. But all in all, awesome game, and I hope I get to check out Arkham City too.
The second one is Far Cry 3. Now, +Ayush Jha had made me play this in the past, but I just played the opening sequence and wasn't too into it. Now a year later, I'm a few hours into the game, however, and I'm loving it. It's very unique from other FPS games in that you really have to think things out instead of rushing in and firing everywhere again very a la Dishonored, but with a beautiful open world island as opposed to beautiful but closed up gothic-punky levels. The island is very much alive, and beasts attack the enemy as much as you. In fact, in one case, I arrived at an out post and was tagging the enemies to take out silently with my sniper rifle, only to discover they were all getting brutalized by a wild tiger. It wasn't a caged tiger I had set free, it was just a wild tiger who happened to stumble into frightened pirates and attacked them. I didn't have to fire a single bullet to capture that outpost. I just had to sit back and let the tiger finish his job. The rest of it was quite challenging even in normal difficulty and also enormously fun.
Now Capcom is a company whose games I really enjoyed in the past, chief among them being the Devil May Cry series and the Phoenix Wright series. These series have fans all over the world. These fans own both iPhones and Android phones. Capcom released both Devil May Cry refrain and Phoenix Wright HD trilogy on both Android and iPhones in Japan. They also released both of these in English speaking countries on iOS. Why then, is Capcom refusing to release the Android versions also in English? They've already released Android versions and translated the iOS version. It isn't that difficult to simply replace the text, which they've already done in the iOS. They could just copy and paste the text into the Android version and voila, it would be translated. But they refuse to do it. Not only have they not released the Android versions, they refuse to acknowledge this in their forums and the many, many questions that have been asked about this have been completely ignored. The only reason I can think of for this is that they've signed into a deal with Apple which forbids them from releasing english games into the google play store. They've also removed a couple of english games that used to be available, like Resident evil 4 mobile from the play store. And you know what, I hope this is the case, because the alternative is that they either hate their fans or are unaware of the fact that Android has long since taken over from iOS worldwide. Samsung alone sells more smartphones than Apple, for example.
Alright, so that was a rant about Capcom and a couple of old games that I'm playing.
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